Assam career 02/11/2023 – নামৰূপ মহাবিদ্যালয়ত তৃতীয় বৰ্গৰ পদ খালী, Apply Now

Applications have been issued for the various Grade 3 positions at Namrup College, Namrup, Dibrugarh, Assam,” under the Department of Biotechnology within the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Eligible candidates are invited to apply.

Application end date: 11/11/2023

Vacancy Details

Name of the post: Assistant and Lab Assistant

Number of vacancies: 2

Educational Qualification: The required qualification is a B.Sc. degree in Botany or Zoology (M.Sc. in Life Sciences, Botany, Zoology, or Biotechnology with research experience will be given preference).

Salary: The monthly salary will be aroundRS 20,000 with 8% House Rent Allowance for the Technical Assistant and RS 18,000 WITH 8% House Rent Allowance per month for the Laboratory Assistant.

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit their applications to the office address as mentioned below-

“Principal of Namrup College, PO: Parbatpur, Namrup, Dibrugarh, Assam, PIN-786623.” Additionally, a soft copy of the application in a single PDF file should be sent to the Principal on [email protected].

Application Fee: No application fee is mentioned on the official advertisement.

Selection Process

Candidates may be required to appear for an interview, the list of the shortlisted candidates will be uploaded soon.

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Assam career 02/11/2023
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What are the available positions at Namrup College, Namrup, Dibrugarh, Assam?

There are openings for the positions of Assistant and Lab Assistant.

How many vacancies are there for these positions?

There are 2 vacancies in total.

What is the required educational qualification for these positions?

The required qualification is a B.Sc. degree in Botany or Zoology. However, candidates with an M.Sc. in Life Sciences, Botany, Zoology, or Biotechnology and research experience will be given preference.

What is the monthly salary for these positions?

The monthly salary for the Technical Assistant is approximately Rs 20,000 with 8% House Rent Allowance, and for the Laboratory Assistant, it is around Rs 18,000 with 8% House Rent Allowance.

How can I apply for these positions?

Interested candidates should submit their applications to the office address mentioned in the official advertisement. Additionally, a soft copy of the application in a single PDF file should be sent to the Principal at [email protected].

Is there an application fee for applying to these positions?

No, there is no application fee mentioned in the official advertisement.

What is the selection process for these positions?

Candidates may be required to appear for an interview, and the list of shortlisted candidates will be uploaded soon.