sorrow of assam – The Brahmaputra river

Why the mighty Brahmaputra river is called the sorrow of assam?

The Brahmaputra River is often referred to as the “Sorrow of Assam” due to its tendency to trigger devastating floods in the region. This nickname stems from the significant challenges and hardships caused by the river’s annual inundations in the state of Assam in northeastern India.

sorrow of assam

The Brahmaputra River, one of the world’s largest rivers, originates in Tibet and traverses through India, including Assam, before entering Bangladesh, where it eventually merges with the Ganges River, ultimately flowing into the Bay of Bengal. During the monsoon season, the catchment areas of the Brahmaputra and its tributaries receive heavy rainfall, leading to the river exceeding its normal banks.

The consequences of these annual floods can be catastrophic. They result in the displacement of residents from their homes, loss of lives, destruction of crops and agricultural land, damage to infrastructure like roads and bridges, and economic hardships for the people of Assam. These recurring floods bring immense sorrow and suffering to the inhabitants of the state, which is why the Brahmaputra River has earned the moniker “Sorrow of Assam.”

Various measures have been undertaken to manage and mitigate the impact of these floods, including the construction of embankments and dams. Nonetheless, the unpredictable and powerful nature of the Brahmaputra continues to present challenges for the region, and the sorrow associated with its annual inundations remains a significant concern for Assam.
