Assam Super TET 2023 English syllabus, with Question pattern and Mock Test

The announcement for the Super TET (Teacher Eligibility Test) for the recruitment of primary teachers in Assam was made by the Assam government. In this discussion, we will explore the potential syllabus for the Super TET 2023.

Assam Super TET probable syllabus


1. Active voice and passive voice.

2. Parts of speech

3. Transformation of sentence

4. Direct and Indirect Speech

5. Punctuation and spellings

6. Word meanings

7. Vocabulary and usage

8. Idioms and phases

9. Fill in the blanks.

Understanding Active and Passive Voice

When we talk or write something, we use different styles to convey our message effectively. Two common styles are active voice and passive voice.

These styles play an essential role in the way we express actions and who is performing them.

Differences between active and passive voice

Active Voice- In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action. This style is direct, clear, and often used when the performer of the action is important. The structure of a sentence in active voice follows the subject-verb-object pattern.

Example 1

Subject (S)Yunani
Verb (V)painted
Object (O)the picture.
Assam Super TET
Yunani painted the picture.
Assam Super TET

Active Voice Sentence- Yunani painted the picture.

In this example, “Yunani” is the subject, “painted” is the verb, and “the picture” is the object.

The sentence is very straight forward, and we know who performed the action.


Active voice is always used when the performer of the action is crucial or when you want to make the sentence more direct and engaging.

Active voice is generally preferred in most types of writing, as it creates a clear and strong connection between the subject and the action.

Passive Voice– In passive voice, the subject receives the action instead of performing it. This style is used when the performer of the action is not essential or when the focus is on to the receiver of the action.

The structure of a passive voice sentence follows the object-verb-subject pattern, and it often includes the auxiliary verb “be” along with the past participle of the main verb.

Example 2 – Passive Voice

Subject (S)The picture
Verb (V)was painted
Object (O)by yunani
Assam Super TET
The picture was painted by yunani.
Assam Super TET

In this example, “The picture” is the subject receiving the action, “was painted” is the verb in passive voice, and “by Lisa” indicates who performed the action.


Use passive voice when the performer of the action is unknown, irrelevant, or when you want to emphasize the receiver of the action. Passive voice can also be used to be more polite or to avoid assigning blame or responsibility.

The focus is on the picture rather than who painted it.

Converting Active Voice to Passive Voice

Identify the subject, verb, and object in the active voice sentence.

Move the object to the position of the subject in the passive voice sentence.

Add the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb “be” (am, is, are, was, were, has been, have been, had been, will be, etc.) based on the tense of the active sentence.

Use the past participle form of the main verb (verb’s third form). Optionally, include the performer of the action using the preposition “by” before mentioning the doer.

Some Examples

Active Voice- “The chef baked a delicious cake.”

First Step- Identify the subject, verb, and object in the active sentence. Subject- The chef,

Verb– baked

Object- a delicious cake

Step 2- Move the object to the position of the subject in the passive voice sentence.

Active- The chef (subject) baked a delicious cake (object).

Passive voice- A delicious cake (subject) was baked by the chef (optional agent).

Step 3- Add the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb “be.”

Active- The chef baked a delicious cake.

Passive– A delicious cake was baked by the chef.

Step 4- Use the past participle form of the main verb.

Active- The chef baked a delicious cake.

Passive- A delicious cake was baked by the chef.

Step 5: Optionally, include the doer of the action (agent) using the preposition “by.”

Active- The chef baked a delicious cake.

Passive- A delicious cake was baked by the chef.

The sentence “The chef baked a delicious cake” in active voice has been converted to “A delicious cake was baked by the chef” in passive voice using the formula.

Remember that not all active voice sentences can be converted to passive voice, and sometimes the passive voice might result in a less clear or awkward sentence.

Therefore, it’s essential to use passive voice judiciously and consider the context and clarity of your writing.

Some more examples
I do not abuse my students.My students are not abused by me
Do you write a poem?Is a poem written by you?
Do you write songs?Are songs written by you?
Who does not obey you?By whom are you not obeyed?
Which book do you read?Which book is read by you?
Does she do her duty?Is her duty done by her?
They have completed the project.The project has been completed by them.
Assam Super TET

Change voice- You can play with these kittens quite safely.

These kittens can be played with quite safely.

Change voice- A child could not have done this mischief.

This mischief could not have been done by a child.

Change voice- James Watt discovered the energy of steam.

The energy of steam was discovered by James Watt.

She makes cakes every Sunday.

Cakes are made by her every Sunday.

The doctor advised the patient not to eat rice.

The patient was advised by the doctor not to eat rice.

I cannot accept your offer.

Your offer cannot be accepted by me.

You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.

Wine should be opened about three hours before it is used.

They will inform the police.

The police will be informed by them.

They have built a perfect dam across the river.

 A perfect dam has been built by them across the river.

You need to clean your shoes properly.

Your shoes need to be cleaned properly.

He is said to be very rich.

People say he is very rich.

The invigilator was reading out the instructions.

The instructions were being read out by the invigilator.

Assam grows tea

Tea is grown in Assam.

They greet me cheerfully every morning.

I am greeted cheerfully by them every morning.

Mock Test



#1. You can play with these kittens quite safely.

#2. Do you imitate others?

#3. They greet me cheerfully every morning.

#4. A child could not have done this mischief.

#5. I cannot accept your offer.

#6. She makes cakes every Sunday.

#7. They have built a perfect dam across the river.

#8. The invigilator was reading out the instructions.

#9. James Watt discovered the energy of steam.

#10. Darjeeling grows tea.

#11. The doctor advised the patient not to eat rice.

#12. They will inform the police.

#13. He is said to be very rich.

#14. You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.


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